Looking for Sleep Apnea Treatment in Ridgewood New Jersey?
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Can a Dentist Fix my Sleep Apnea?
Treating obstructive sleep disorders is something that West Ridgewood Dental does. The gold standard of treatment for sleep apnea is a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) device. Many times a patient, or their significant other cannot tolerate these treatments, due to feeling of claustrophobia, a feeling of being in wind tunnel, significantly drying of the mouth and oral mucosa, congestion or runny nose, and machinery being too loud.
If you cannot tolerate a CPAP we can make you a sleep apnea dental appliance which can open your airway and improve sleep apnea and snoring issues. This appliance advances your mandible (lower jaw) which expands your airway allowing you to have a more restful sleep. Come see us today to see if you are a candidate for a Mandibular Advancement Device.
Interested in learning more about how a Dentist can treat Sleep Apnea? Call 201-652-8875 to request a consultation.